Many SEO agencies out there offer packages that include data and metrics from a number of important parts of the Search Engine Optimization process. Metrics, however, are typically missing or not presented in the right format for SEO agencies to use. In order to create a package that can be used by multiple companies and multiple SEO clients, it is best for an SEO agency to understand the process behind the various metrics included in SEO services. There are four main metrics you need to know about when you are working with an SEO agency:

Hiring an SEO Agency – What Services Are Available?

Google Page Rank (PR) This is actually the “backbone” of any good SEO service. The higher PR a page has, the more likely it is that your site will show up favorably in Google searches. PageRank is measured on a per-download basis, which means that the more posts (which is essentially pages) that are downloaded from your website, the better chance you have of having those pages rank high in Google searches. As you get higher PR, it is always best to focus on getting fewer posts marked against your SEO service.

Link Popularity

Link Popularity This is another measurement that is often overlooked in the world of SEO. The number of links a page has available to other websites is called “link popularity”. The higher the number of links that your page has, the better chance that your pages will rank highly in Google. While there are many other factors in to Google’s page ranking formula, link popularity is arguably one of the most important.

Keywords A feature that many SEO agencies don’t even put enough stock into is the ability to analyze keywords and determine their effectiveness. The best metrics to use when doing this are “keyword relevancy”, as well as “keyword competition.” Basically, these two features will tell you exactly how well your pages are optimized for specific keywords. Is your SEO keyword list complete and accurate? If not, then chances are your competitors are getting an edge on the competition.

Social Media Content

Social Media Content When it comes to social media marketing, there are just so many different services available that it can be hard to gauge which ones actually work. A social media analysis will tell you the most effective ways to target your audience and gain the most attention. One thing SEO agencies miss, however, is that a good SEO consultant will realize that sometimes social media posts are just a waste of time because most people aren’t actually interested in what they are posting. So, instead of wasting your time with pointless content, concentrate on the most interested users and give them what they’re looking for-quality information that is useful to them.

Keyword Research If there’s one area that you cannot ignore when trying to optimize for Google and other search engines, it’s the keyword research aspect of your campaigns. There are some great programs out there that can really help you monitor which keywords are working and which aren’t. But more importantly, this is the one part that you cannot do yourself, which means it’s imperative that you hire someone who knows what they’re doing.


Backlinks Just remember, search engine optimization does not happen overnight. For those of you who have been around for awhile now, you may have noticed that it takes awhile for your pages to show up in the SERPs. While that’s the case, you don’t want to wait forever because you’ll never get the results you’re hoping for. Hire an SEO agency that has proven they know how to get your page’s ranking back up the search engine rankings.

best services

All of these points can all be applied to finding a good SEO agency. In order to determine who offers the best services available, though, you need to ask the right questions. Don’t ask someone if they offer social media optimization services or if they have any PPC campaigns set up. Instead, ask yourself: what type of business do they serve? Is their level of expertise high enough?